Offline Agriculture-Hydroponics Training


(A) Organic Farming: Concepts Organic Farming: Principles    and approaches Characteristics of an Organic Farm
(B) Composting and Manuring Vermicomposting techniquesI dentification of Vermicomposting
(C) Harvesting of Vermicompost and Preparation of Vermiwash,Biofertilizers and other practices to  control diseasesFourthWeek:
(D) Cultural and Mechanical practices of plant protection Biopesticides and other practices to control diseases, Preparation of Botanicals.                                                                        

(E) Seed and Planting techniques in Organic Farming ,Livestock Management in Organic FarmingDiscussion with an expert on Livestock management.
(F) Crop Rotation Practices in Organic Farming ,Water Management in Organic farm.
(G) Procedure of Inspection and Certification Documentation for Organic Certification Discussion with an expert on Certification of Organic Farm.
(H)Quality Management and Organic Trademark Concept of Marketing and Indian Organic Market .Economics of Organic Farming and Government Schemes to supportOrganic Farming


Training on mushroom cultivation technology for entrepreneurs                     

  Cultivation Technology of White button mushroom
• Cultivation Technology of Oyster mushroom
• Cultivation Technology of Paddy straw and Milky mushrooms.
• Cultivation technology of Specialty mushrooms – Shiitake, Ganoderma ,
Flammulina, Hericium

  • Besides the cultivation Technology of above mushrooms, training will cover
    following aspects in details:
  •  Nutritional / Medicinal value of mushrooms and its relevance in healthy food
    • Seeds/spawn preparation technique for mushrooms
    • Substrate preparation technique for mushrooms
  • • Infrastructure requirement for setting up of a composite mushroom farm
    • Crop raising of all above mushrooms including crop management
    • Pest/diseases management in mushrooms
    • Post harvest handling/value addition of mushrooms

Apart from above aspects of cultivation technology, the other important related
aspects viz; economics of mushrooms cultivation, marketing, financing,
management of spent compost etc. will also be covered during the training

COURSE CONTENTS (Entrepreneurs Training- Theory)

Mushrooms- An Agri-business
  • • Nutritional and medicinal value of mushrooms
    • Culture preparation and preservation techniques in mushrooms
    • Spawn production technology
    • Formulations and recent advances in compost production for button mushroom
    • Recent advances in crop management of white button mushroom
    • Farm-design and infrastructure for a commercial mushroom growing unit
    • Economics of button mushroom cultivation under controlled conditions
    • Cultivation of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.)
    • Infrastructure requirement and economics of oyster mushroom
    • Cultivation & economics of paddy straw mushroom (Volvariella spp.)
    • Cultivation & economics of milky mushroom ( Calocybe indica )
    • Cultivation of Shiitake Mushrooms
    • Cultivation of speciality mushrooms like Ganoderma , Flammulina and Hericium
    • Competitor moulds/fungal and viral diseases of mushrooms
    • Bacterial diseases and abiotic disorders of mushrooms
    • Insect, pests & nematodes of mushrooms and their management
    • Uses and/or disposal of spent mushroom substrate
    • Round the year cultivation of mushrooms
    • Financial assistance from Banks for mushroom project
    • Sources of information for various inputs and guidance on mushroom

Mushroom Culture preparation
• Mushroom Spawn production
• Compost preparation for white button mushroom
• Substrate preparation for oyster mushroom
• Substrate preparation for paddy straw mushroom
• Substrate preparation for Shiitake mushroom
• Substrate preparation for Milky mushroom
• Substrate preparation for Ganoderma mushroom

• Casing and crop management in button mushroom
• Diseases /mould/insect pests, their identification and management     • Post-harvest handling and value addition of mushrooms

• Video film on mushroom cultivation/ harvesting/ processing
• Visit to the mushroom far

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  • Opposite Jarharaha police station, Chinhat, Lucknow .
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